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Views: 26     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-06-22      Origin: Site



Formply is the kind of Construction Plywood, but from a glance, it also quite clearly has a HDO(High Density Overlaid ) Phenolic Resin Film face.

Formply is usually called in Australia and New Zealand. Formply, from its nature and features, it is the structural plywood and often used for the concrete forming. 


Sometimes, we call it Structural Formply, which is different from the non structural plywood or non structural formply or non structural film faced plywood.


According to the Australian standards- AS 6669, AS/NZS 2269, the formply has to be made with the A Bond Glue, in particular for the F14 formply, F17 formply, F22 formply.


And the different Structural ratings: F14, F17, F22 means the different quality in bending strength, MOR(Modulus of Rupture) and MOE(Modulus of Elasticity).


Happy Wood keeps producing the premium quality formply to the customers from Australia and New Zealand. Our formply has obtained the customers approval.