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Furniture Grade Plywoods - Hardwood Veneered Plywood

Views: 217     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-12-20      Origin: Site

White Ash Plywood in 1/4″ and 3/4″ thickness.   American Ash is grown in Canada and USA.  It can vary in color from a lighter gray brown to a darker black and brown.

Veneer Plywood

How to choose the veneer thickness ?

There two different processes when overlaying the sliced natural wood veneer on the plywood

The first type is “Wet Veneer Overlay”, for the thin veneer which is no above than 0.35mm thickness, they can be overlaid on the plywood strip by strip. The the plywood can be processed to the pre-press and hot press.

Another type is “Dry Veneer Overlay”, when the veneer thickness is above 0.4mm, they have to be edge glued and jointed together to be a whole piece veneer and then to be pressed.

Hardwood Veneered Plywood

Grade Plywood


The 1/4” sheet is graded B4.  Front face is a B grade that is a smooth sanded and patch-free face with an occasional small blemish. Back side is a 4 grade that will be of same or similar wood but may have filled knots, veneer joints or seams. This plywood is a stain grade on one side only.

The 3/4″ sheets are graded B-2.  Front face is a B grade that is a smooth sanded and clear face. There may be an occasional minor blemish on the B face. Back side is a 2 grade that will have more blemishes than the front B face, but is usually clean enough to be seen. This plywood is a stain grade on both sides.

Birch, White, Plywood. Unfinished imported whole-piece veneer-faced plywood available in 1/4″, 1/2″ and 3/4″ thicknesses.  This is a paint-grade plywood that has a C grade face that allows for subtle variations in wood and may contain some patching. Nice smooth face, perfect for painting. The back side is a 2 grade that is of same or similar wood.  A very economical plywood with a light hardwood face.

Plywood for Furniture